Our Company

Here at Seafood Wholesalers, our team is dedicated to meeting your needs. Since 2001, Seafood Wholesalers has worked as a seafood partner for many local, regional and national restaurants and industry professionals. Throughout that time, we've personally engaged with each unit to learned how we can better serve them. From menu planning, management transitions, lowering daily food cost or preparing for upcoming catering events, our knowledgeable sales team is with your units every step of the way. Our team has a combined 100+ years in the seafood industry and has a vast knowledge of this industry’s every facet.


Our actions are based upon a consistent framework of principles. We believe in educating our customers and providing them with all the tools necessary to make informed choices. We are one of few companies in our market that has annual third-party audits for product safety and sanitation.

Truth in Labeling

We are committed to providing our customers exactly what we say we are selling. We may not sell the cheapest product, but you can be assured the product you purchase is what it is supposed to be in all aspects of quality, weight, count, species, and country of origin.

Some of Our Customers